miercuri, 14 aprilie 2010

A lovely look of mr.Bean

Mr. Bean groups are currently all the rage on Facebook, so, have some fun with few newest -  the best one directily from there!

If mr.Bean had a bady!
If mr.Bean had a doughter!
If mr.Bean was Harry Potter - kids would run scared
If Mr Bean was Harry Potter

If mr.Bean was Lady Gaga..
 Mr Bean was Lady Gaga
If Mr Bean was a pirate.. you'd walk the plank to get away
Mr Bean was a pirate
If Mr Bean was the Pope.. you might better start praying
If Mr 
Bean was Pope 
If Mr Bean was in Twilight.. Edward Cullen would look hotter
If Mr Bean was in Twilight 
If mr. Bean was Legally Blondem- he'd never win a case
If Mr Bean was in Legally Blonde


Unknown on 14 aprilie 2010 la 21:21 spunea...

Oh hahaha! I was about to sleep when I saw your update. I can't choose a favorite photo because they all look hilarious! Though I never thought that Mr. Bean can replace Bella in Twilight. haha

Have a blessed day Dyeve!

Anderson Wasser on 15 aprilie 2010 la 04:58 spunea...

Olá Dyeve.
Simplesmente muito engraçada esta coletânea do Mr. Bean. Adorei! Como sei que minha filha adora a serie do Twilight, eu postei como wallpaper a última foto no computador dela ;) Ela terá uma surpresa muito engraçada amanhã (acho que não vai gostar...) mas eu vou rir bastante.
Obrigado por me fazer rir tanto.

Hi Dyeve.
It's a really very funny collection of Mr. Bean. I loved it! How do I know my daughter loves the Twilight series, I posted the last picture as wallpaper on her computer;) She will have a very funny surprise tomorrow (I don't think She will like...)but I'll laugh a lot
Thanks for making me laugh so much.

Unknown on 15 aprilie 2010 la 14:32 spunea...


I am glad that finaly I managd to make you laugh, becouse I sow in you're blog that you have a lot not so fun activity this days..
I'm sorry about that..but it will be all right.

Kisses and ths a lot.


Unknown on 15 aprilie 2010 la 14:39 spunea...

@Anderson Wasser

Thanks a lot and I'm happy that you enjoyed with this post..
Why you chouse the last one picture..do you want to scarry you're lovely daughter? :)))) Baaad daddy! Bad..:P

My son don't like so much this pictures..is bigger I think then you're kid..he like just the vampires..or, here I don't have a pict with mr.Bean vampire.. Who knows..maybe next time..I will have one like that for him too..:))


Unknown on 16 aprilie 2010 la 01:12 spunea...

Hi Dyeve.
WOW ,what a difference i tought first wrong page .lol
Looks really great i like it.
Thanks for your comment on the frog it's always nice to see your comments.:)
all i could think of while making the blog was "Would they taste as good as the little ones?"

Unknown on 16 aprilie 2010 la 04:06 spunea...



Will, you want to say that you eating frogs..in you're real life? OMG---hhhh!!!!!!
I'm more scared about frogs - I never touching one with my finger..but a snake yes..I did..becouse of my son..:D


victorysilcana on 16 aprilie 2010 la 12:19 spunea...

jajaja Me encanta dyeve, ¿Estas segura?...para tí será Mr.Bean, para mi es el presidente del govierno de España, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.
Tienes un regalito en mi casa.
Feliz fin de semana.
Un beso

PinkPanthress on 16 aprilie 2010 la 22:11 spunea...

Bella Swan with Bean's face is scary yet hilarious! :D

P.S.: Thank you for following, I'm following you, too, here! ;)

Unknown on 17 aprilie 2010 la 12:26 spunea...

Hey Dyeve, head over to the comment section of my post about Adgitize.
I added some information.
I hope it will help you understand.

Follow this LINK

Anonim spunea...

aha the man at his best. At first i didn't believe it but Mr Bean@Row actually studied Electrical Engineering at the Newcastle University and did a masters degree at Oxford.

btw you've a new very nice blog outlook here and also i just saw my good friend PinkPanthress here, and if i may, welcome aboard dear. Dy, you should also check out her artworks, they are fantastic!

Andrian on 19 aprilie 2010 la 17:12 spunea...

Imi place ala din Tomb Raider, ce fata are, parca e beat.


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