I am frustrated by the smallness of words, if you ask me to.. By the fact that right now human communication is limited and thouse patterns they are made crooked senses and feelings. I’m talking about words spoken in vain. Words which should not miss their presence and yet is more than redundancy in some cases, about words that come out of habit, when the soul should come about words that come too late when you don’t need them anymore, words who fail when they should make you feel better, words that fail instead to heal yourself, just words spoken in vain ...On the other hand, the words themselves were chipped by desire or by those needed patterns, like measures of perfection, of a life with respect. That "I love you" has become boring, even annoying, since of dozens of telenovelas scenery threw this words into a fade and false landscape, spoken in vain ...On a background of personal, family, and social difficulties it’s difficult to decide what is normal and healthy. This is related to that “high tolerance” for bad situations. Isn't always more simple to tell that individual “Get a f**k out of my life!”...And, guess what? That’s what they may do. They may not yell and scream, fight back, or try to fix the situation, they may not throw a brick through your window with an “I Love You, baby so much!” note tied to it. The most healthy decision is to avoid a relationship that includes aggressiveness, or other forms of high-stress drama. So, upload that "so, much.." words .. and move on!Sometimes a word can hurt harder than a slap and sometimes a hug says more than a thousand words. Sometimes words can create a beautiful picture of the subject than he actually is. Sometimes words are just words that are lost in the air. We need to do all that we can to keep our nerves healthy. .. It isn't hard to accept people and get over by their often sharp words, for them, for me words remain after all just some words.Okay! Some of these words aforesaid may not apply to your particular situation. For me, words remain a tool of communication, remains indispensable, and if are used in the right direction, will remain with the core feature per each gram of beauty in each one of them. It’s not so hard for me to say "I miss you" or "I love you" when I feel the need to tell them, and is not so hard to offer a smile instead of words thrown especially on to our nerves, sometimes... But I don’t like words in vain so ... I love you so, Elvis!
PS _ So if anyone wants to throw one clean/or not pair of words at me this time, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Acum 3 săptămâni
"Sometimes a word can hurt harder than a slap and sometimes a hug says more than a thousand words" true-that girl! great post ;-)
I so love Elvis when he sings love songs.
Yes, sometimes words are cheap, and we hide our true feelings behind too many words. I agree, s single act could say more than a thousand words.
Same thing in opera too; sometimes words are used, but other times not. Now if only I knew how to sing. =)
Words are only limited expressions of feelings, whatever efforts one makes to make them perfect. But words are indispensable for a communication when a touch is not possible. Else, a simple single touch can not be equated by thousands of words. I appreciate your philosophical touch to the science of communication.
our thoughts are so complex (in flux) that the invented words are, only the approximations for our cognition (both ways for involved actors). through language, we try to understand the persons, situations, objects, subjects in a limited way and as per our experiences. it is also dependent on the innate psycho-somatic predispositions that act the defining boundaries for each of us. while our inner thoughts or feelings are pure, when they are directed out, somehow tend to get distorted.
therefore, we have to live a life of pretension and wear 'masks' for each and every occasion. but, dyeve, this strategy has worked for the human race and is the principal reason for its survival.
And..where words are not enough, there is photography... he hee
Thank you for your visit! Was a nice surprise..
Wishing you a cool Sunday!
Words are things; words are not only things, but sometimes very dangerous things. They are like firearms and should be handled very carefully.
But Elvis is great. He always was great in all.
Wishing you a lovely Sunday! ..and Thanks!
Yes, you have right!Also words are sounds, complex, often inter mingled sounds. smiles
Thanks to drop by!Wishing you a happy Sunday!
@Ram Bansal, the Theosoph
smiles. So many things about words..
No, is not my philosophical touch to the science of communication... but words just brings me to the thoughts...and thoughts are things as we see that they also can be detected and even visualized of course with the right sensors.:P
Wishing you a blessed Sunday!
@priyabrata nanda
Thank you for your wise and lovely comment!
Yes! Words bring beauty into our consciousness e.g. poems, stories, songs, sayings and more. Words are the very structure of any culture. Say the right words in the right sequence and secret societies will open their door to us. Say the wrong words in some places around this Earth and you could be killed. All over a few words expressed...
Wishing you a happy Sunday!
A beautiful and profound moment of reflection in each word.
The sensitivity of a soul that is not small!
Happy Sunday to you :)
@@Nádia Dantas
Thank you verry much for your lovley comment!
Your soul is wonderful too, becouse your poems are just packed with right words of inspiration for the soul. I have this feeling when I read them.
Have a lovely Sunday, my dear!
Hugs & Kisses
Hi Dy,
"And I Love You So ..." Great song !
Don Mc Lean, Barbra Streisand, Shirley Bassey and ... and ... and ... and ... ELVIS ! Hum ...
About this entry, i remember the book of my soul :
""Language is the source of misunderstandings."
(The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
And now , my friend, one word only or without an word i say to you :
@Luiz Sommerville
I loved that book! Do you know that
there is a sculpture of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and the Little Prince in Lyon? ..I havn't actually seen yet, in real life but looks very nice.
Have you canged your avatar? ^-smiles.
Wishing you always the Best!
"Sometimes words are just words that are lost in the air"
We determine the power a word can and can't have over us. Sometimes you do feel powerless against them.
@Missy Ricco
Poorly chosen words can kill enthusiasm sometimes, impact self-esteem, lower expectations and hold people back. Well chosen ones can only motivate.. smiles
Yes, It is! Thank you, sweeti! smiles
one of my early favourite number
@ theBluesman
Nice. That pic from your avatar I sow into your new site. Cool one. Stop to take pictures of yourself in the mirror! =))
I liked this reflection about the misuse of words - or the proper use of words. I think you may have noticed that we communicate more with greater speed, but increasingly with less emotion. We use more academic expressions to impress people, but our souls remain silent more and more.
I love these reflections too - real nice to be read and transform us - even a little bit at a time.
Păstraţi postaţi aceste reflecţii asupra vieţii şi voi continua să le citesc.
O zi plăcută.
"Dyeve" has been included in this weeks Sites To See. I hope you like the image I featured, and I hope this helps to attract many new visitors here.
@Anderson Wasser
Thank you, for your kind comment!
What we want in our life? I want wealth, health, love and happiness and I think that if we're addicted to positive thoughts, the right words, positive actions and positive behavior, the law of attraction works for that fine in same way and everything what we have at the moment in our lives is the result all of this and what we have attract it in to our lives, is the law of the attraction which is present in every second of our lives.
Wishing you a blessed week-end!
Awww! Thank you! What a nice surprise.. smiles
Of course I like the pic chossed and I'm thankful and proud to have my blog also in to your site.
Wishing you a lovley Week-End!
Ooh I just love everything you said. Words are so powerful that it could easily make a person either happy or mad.
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them." - works better.
Great post dear! Have a great weekend! Muah!
What a great post! I also struggle with shallowness of action yet the sentiments of the words are strong.
Love is an action. My husband loves me, not because he tells me a 100 times a day, but because of the way he behaves - the actions he does every day to make my life as gentle as possible. If I have to go out for work in bad weather, he will go start my car engine to warm it up, he makes breakfast for me when i am rushing around, rubs my feet when I ask and is nice to my mother when she comes to stay. He does the actions.
My former husband would disappear for a couple of days with his latest woman, leave me and the kids with no money or food in the house, then he would turn up, flowers for me, toys for the kids and say how much he loved us all.. bulls**t!
Great post Dyeve - keep them coming.
Smiles and blessings.
Thank you, dear♥! Treat everyone as if they are the most important person in the world, because to themselves they are. If you do this people will be more inclined to reciprocate and treat you better. Anyway this is the way they should be treated, even with words sometimes.. smiles
Wishing you a blessed sunday!
@Juliana Matthews
Thank you ♥sweeti!
Our relationships can indeed become a profound path for personal
growth and transformatios.The approach is based on the equation that each partner shares equal responsibility and equal accountability for the health and well-being of the relationship.
Often we identify with one or more subpersonalities, with which we have learnt to survive, our so-called "primary selves", while other parts of us try to let themselves be heard in vain..So, you have done very well when you broke and quit from that ex-relation and now you find this wonderful man and I'm happy for you.
Nobody in this world deserves to stay anchored in to a relationship where there isn't no more respect, no more attention, no love..no nothing.
I appreciate the courage and the power you'd to break with that "sick relation" becouse it wasn't a good one for your heart and for your soul.Always remember that you deserve the best.Smiles.
Hugs& Kisses..
Wishing you a lovley Sunday!
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