vineri, 23 iulie 2010

Another Frankenstein

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Splice script was originally a continuation of the production Cube (1997), but obtained- 26 million dollars - was insufficient to produce a sequel.  Filming lasted ten weeks and were conducted only within Canada. Premiere took place on October 6, 2009 at Sitges Film Festival and made part of the Sundance Film Festival, held in January 2010.
This movie - is directed by Vincenzo Natali (Cube, Nothing) and Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth) the executive producer.

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This film at least shocking is about a creature named Dren, created by Elsa and Clive, two young rebellious scientists, who defy legal and ethical boundaries and forge ahead with a dangerous experiment. They specialize in splicing together DNA from different animals to create fantastical new hybrids and wants to use human DNA in a new hybrid – something that could yield astronomical medical benefits.

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The pharmaceutical company that funds their research, however, is more interested in exploiting their earlier triumphs for easier, short-term profit. Clive and Elsa secretly conduct their own experiment splicing together human and animal DNA to create a new organism.  The result - Dren – is an amazing creature who exhibits an array of unexpected developments, both physical and intellectual. The creature rapidly develops from a deformed female infant into a beautiful winged human-chimera, who forges a bond with both of her creators - only to have that bond turn deadly.

She exceeds their wildest dreams…and, ultimately, Dren is their most terrifying nightmare but, only  the superstars of the engineering world- Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley in Clive and Elsa roles, are responsible for the creation of drainage Dren - a Charismatic one!Sounds interesting and Definetely a Must-See!!!
Enjoy!* DY *
You can download the movie from here (..and you can pay with Paypal, credit card... SPLICE _ part.1   SPLICE - part. 2
...or NOT. Smiles - You can watch „Splice” online - here:

(For thouse who can not watch the movie, you must install the Adobe Flash Player. (After you have clicked on "Click here to install Flash Player, click on" Agree and Install Now "page to open bla-bla - not necesarly  - smiles )



Anderson Wasser on 23 iulie 2010 la 08:18 spunea...

un animal himeric - din limitele etice ale ştiinţei actuale. Un subiect interesant!
Vă mulţumesc pentru sugestie.
Have un mare week-end!

um animal quimerico - fora dos limites éticos da ciência atual. Um tema interessante!
Muito obrigado pela sugestão.
Tenha um ótimo final de semana!!!

Unknown on 24 iulie 2010 la 03:33 spunea...

Hi dyeve.
Funny only last weel we watched the
Are you spying on us mortals?Are you the big sister?lol
Have a great week end!

Unknown on 24 iulie 2010 la 22:56 spunea...

Hello dyeve!!

How are you?

I chose your blog to receive a prize! Visit my blog for more information!!

A hug,


Unknown on 25 iulie 2010 la 02:54 spunea...

@Anderson Wasser

Thanks for the comment .. it seems already for me that soon will be a Splice II after the end of the film...I supose.
I likeed her a lot especially when she was a little baby. smiles.

An even more wonderful Weekend for You!


Obrigado pelo comentário .. afigura-se já para mim que em breve será a II Splice após o final do filme ... eu suponho.
Eu gustei muito dela, especialmente quando ela era um bebezinho. sorrisos.

Uma ainda mais maravilhoso fim de semana para você!

Unknown on 25 iulie 2010 la 03:19 spunea...


You caught me! - smiles

On the other hand - Cube 2(hypercube) was one of the few psychological movies, I might say that it was a good thriller and horror, addictive.. really worth watching, too!

Have a nice Sunday (already- smiles) Will!


Unknown on 25 iulie 2010 la 03:32 spunea...

@Paulo Zerbato

Aww..! Hello! :-)

Right now, I'm on vacation, relaxing (still) - smiles.

Thanks a lot. This is a great surprise and I totally didn't expect ever, to see you here. So, thank you twice - smiles - and I hope you have an awesome week-end!



I'm goin' on my way to pick my prize, right now! :)

Unknown on 26 iulie 2010 la 10:30 spunea...


K.No pb. doar sa-mi explici ce anume vrei exact. Am sa-ti trimit un e-mail astazi.

Toate cele bune in viata ta! :)


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