miercuri, 24 martie 2010

Pedale albe

Ti-aduci aminte cum ai invatat sa mergi pe bicicleta prima data? Ai invatat traditional, singur/a? Imi amintesc mereu ce bucurie am simtit, in ziua cand am invatat sa merg pe bicicleta si am spus: "Uaaaau..! Pot sa merg pe bicicletaaa..Chiar pot sa fac asta!"

Mai tarziu, puricele nazdravan, a avut parte de acelasi eveniment ce parea ca-i schimba viata, si chiar asa era, pentru ca e vorba despre echilibristica aici. Dupa ce a trecut de la tricicleta la cea cu doua roti, era obligat sa mearga in pozitie verticala de acum, cu un echilibru total, pentru ca nu mai erau rotile acelea ajutatoare.

Ce mic parea pe langa ea cand s-a urcat prima data pe bicicleta,  cu casca obligatorie ce-i facea capul ca galeata , iar creierii mei cand moi,  cand tari  ca de beton.. Cat am impins si strigat din toti rarunchii sa nu mai pedaleze ca Fred Flinstone din  Aventuri in epoca de piatra, sa lase teama si sa fie odata curajos.. Si, a venit si pentru el momentul magic! - "Uiteeee, stiu sa merg si fara sa tin mainile pe ghidon."

Uite asa, astazi m-am indragostit. Cum de cine? De nimeni alta decat de Big Eye Bycicle Cruiser, ce  mi se pare foarte cool.  A fost proiectata tot  pentru tinerii intre 10-15 ani, si poate fi adaptata ori de cate ori copiii trec prin perioada aceea de salt a cresterii.
Ma alatur de azi tuturor copiiilor care or sa bazaie dupa aceasta bicicleta care nu este asa cum o stim noi, mai ales daca ma uit mai bine la acest concept si observ si ce efect de suspendare al rotii din spate are, ca sa nu mai vorbesc despre cadrul si saua cu aspect  de scaun ce pare foarte  confortabila. O poti inclina in functie de nevoia si inaltimea norocosului care va intra in posesia acestui concept ce apartine Annei Wiesinger, Claudia Baer si Marlene Klausner. O tehnologie la superlativ as spune.  Well done "myladys"!  ;))
big eye cruiser_1  
Eco Factor: Concept bicycle with shape shifting capabilities. Designed by Claudia Baer, Anna Wiesinger and Marlene Klausner, the Big Eye Cruiser is a concept bicycle that has been designed to fit your child perfectly over the years of his growth. Made for the ages between 10 years and 15 years, the bike features a frame that stretches horizontally, while the angle of the frame determines its height. The handlebar is also adapted to this and fine-tuning can be done by moving the saddle backward and forward. The concept has been designed for younglings who want a bike that can adjust according to their growing needs. big eye cruiser_3  big eye cruiser_4   
Check here more if you are interested  # ecofriend  #


Paul on 24 martie 2010 la 03:14 spunea...

That is very cool! I am surprised that there are not more manufactures producing similar bicycles already.

Is it you in the first image? :P

Anonim spunea...

a lot of science & research have been put into it before the final product managed to roll out the assembly line and so it becomes so pricey at the end of the day, i believe it can be quite comfy to ride on one as compared to the older bicycles which we can still see many being ridden on the main roads of China & Vietnam among the few countries left with such traditional bicycles on their main streets.

Unknown on 24 martie 2010 la 07:43 spunea...

That is really one cool bike! I'd love to have one...I have to wait until the price depreciates. :D

Have a good day!


hande on 24 martie 2010 la 12:39 spunea...

teşekkürler paylaştığın için sevgi ile kal :)

Unknown on 24 martie 2010 la 17:08 spunea...


Yes, and I just wait to be producted faster..faster...faster..:P

ME, yes..now you got me :))))))

Unknown on 24 martie 2010 la 17:21 spunea...

@ theBluesman

Oooh, yes..I was in China..and I sow a lot of bicycle betwen cars, people and other vehicles transport.

I think the bycicle is gorgeus,and it's in a one of my favourite colour too. ;)

Unknown on 24 martie 2010 la 17:23 spunea...


Do you think that will be so much expensive? :(

I just wait too, but before me..there is onother one who like it, more than me :))

Kisses and a wonderful evening!

Unknown on 24 martie 2010 la 17:25 spunea...

@ hande

Thank you..You have such a lot of beauty in you''re site.



Anonim spunea...

@dyeve, try driving along the streets of China or Hanoi, Vietnam squeezing in between those cyclists numbering by the hundreds or thousands at peak time, i've never been so scared driving, scared that i may end up in their jails for unintentionally knocking into a bunch of them at any time.

Unknown on 24 martie 2010 la 18:09 spunea...



I believe you, and I think it was the same for me in Beijing..was scaring and in fact an aventure to even cross the street, or on the byke, on feet, on car or in other..:)

I wasn't in Vietnam..but I heard a lot of story from there, even I see many wovies..:P

Anonim spunea...

@dyeve: you know what i like most is to sit in one corner of the street and just watch these cyclists go by and those girls in Vietnam were so nicely dressed in their cheongsam like national dress. BTW the Vietnamese iced milk coffee is one of the best i've tasted, leftovers by the French as they were under French rule for quite some time in the past.

Unknown on 24 martie 2010 la 19:30 spunea...

@ theBluesman
What a heart U have? :))))

Realy? I can'tt give an opinion about Vietnamese iced milk coffee - becouse never tasted anything like that.

I like Amigo coffe, caffe espresso and Illy coffe.


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