The future is not written yet and who knows weather robots are dangerous or not. What is for sure is that humans, being the curious beings, will develop new advanced generations of robots. Robots and other high-performance inventions have always been of a vast interest for humanity. A great number of scientists have spent the whole life in their laboratories with one aim – to work out innovative schemes, develop them and create some highest qualitative ranking robot. This engrossing process has reached its peak with the technical push that took place due to the endeavors of a number of brilliant and clear intellects of scientists all over the world.The most striking fantasies in this sphere are brought successfully into reality and a great number of robots are in service of people in order to make the process of work or manufacturing automatic. It happens so that people and robots go together in this life side by side, in some spheres of life they are even interchangeable and who knows into what this opposition “Human and Robots” will translate.Robots and humans that live and prosper together…Or robots realize they don’t need as that much…
Who will win in this game of chess? When there is the opposition of the mechanical creature and the human intellect it is not easy to predict the outcome of the game. You can make books, but you will never be sure about the results, they are unpredictable.In the process of the humming work robots can be of a great use for people. With them less time would be spend for the most complicated tasks and the crunch times would take place not so often. The only question that is left – to find such a robot.When you touch gently the lips of your beloved your heart begins to beat speedily, the mind is hazed with pleasant feelings and you fly away. These minutes can fly not so that you’d notice, but they are so sweet and inimitable.Here is the workshop of a person how knows a thing about robots. When something happens with their artificial integrity or perfectly done schemes he always set for help. He is the very person who can repair each mere trifle and adjust the trouble.Here is a refreshing variation on a girl’s theme. This robot renders the girl, the cyber one. Interesting concept and well-done model. Its author should have spent not one hour to create such a good example of a robot.For sure that it is more pleasant to work in the company of robots, but it definitely has certain advantages. One of the main is the high efficiency of the process of work, furthermore not a lot of time is spent for the idle talks, spreading silly rumors and gossiping.This robot looks like a housekeeper who takes care of everything around. In its duties are household activities and it copes with all the everyday duties without any difficulties in a short time and without procrastinations.Love is a curious thing – never knows when it happens so that you will be overtaken with this feeling and who will be the matter of your sleepless nights. It can be a bonny girl from the next door, a handsome boy from the night-club or… even a cyber creature.Some time ago, when I was a human being I was dreaming about the perennial youth, the thoughts that were so peculiar for every woman. My dreams turned into life immediately after my death and I have obtained the desired eternity – now I’m a robot. ;)* The End *(This is a collection of 3d images of various creative 3d artists that shows their vision of that future ...Tinypants, Widyantara, Franz Steiner, Randis Albion, Luis Ramos)
Acum o lună
very nice pictures and description. thanks for sharing.
by using their brain, human makes many hard things become possible. But one thing for sure men can't give is feeling to a robot, even to create the feeling itself is out of human jurisdiction. Who know one day a man can get marry with a woman robot, because of the technology at that time, may be he will get many satisfaction from "her" except love- my 2 cents opinion.
I want a nice girl-cyborg,so we ca understand each other.De altfel pozele sunt superbe..
cyborg...if i could make 1...
Multumesc pentru comentariu. Si sper sa ma scuzi pentru faptul ca nu trec prea des prin lista de bloguri ... implicit nu las prea multe comentarii sau chiar deloc ... o sa-mi schimb strategia.
Oh wow love these photos and enjoyed reading what each says..
Though I'm not sure if I am happy or afraid about the idea that someday robots might co-exist with us..LOL
Nice post..
Fotos muito boas! Esta história me lembra o HAL 9000
Very good pics! This history remind me the HAL 9000
i'm just waiting to clone you, hi this is certainly really a very nice post, keep it up
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