Ah!.. I forget to invite those who have something to comment badly about my Romania country, and almoust all of the comments are in different longitudes and latitudes quite inadequate and unreal, about this country, when they do not even know where is positioned on the map of earth , So, look "Sir".. very careful now about where it is situated ..but, very close.. right here in the picture below ..and like this every people can understand finaly..if they have something to say badly about my country, even after.. oki? Deal...;) till next time..
Acum 5 săptămâni
Every country has it's good side and the not so good side, but I don't think anyone has the right to despise
anyone's beloved country.
Dyeve, you have a beautiful country and I admire you for taking pride.
The most sexy maps ever seen. But I dont think allowed to be in class room. To me romania is very beautiful country and the owner of this blog also very beautiful.
Foarte tare acest post dar nici nu stiu ce sa zic...Esti oricum foarte inspirata!!!!
nice valley you've got there
my friend i agree romania is a beautiful country but i cannot see it in the maps,i saw the valley but not romania...could you mark it for me next time...
Im agree with you..and thank you couse I can feel that you dont make compliment just for complacency:)
smiles.of course not..especially in the first class..after X class..why not?..:))
thx..yo're a kind person all the time..
nu este vorba de tare..este vorba ca m-a scot din sarite aceia care comenteaza aiurea despre Romania, fara macar sa cunoasca cate ceva macar elementar despre aceasta tara..poate avem si noi valori, history, etc..ca doar nu suntem situati in vreo "gaura neagra"..si cand le spui:."Sunt din Romania..." "Romania?"...wow..ce chestie..de parca ai fi din alta galaxie, frate..w/e..
Multunesc pt vizita si comment
yes we have many..not just one..smiles.
thx for visit
@ image_of_purity
Well..ïmage of "purity" maybe thats why U dont see it clearly .. I will do an exception to the rule for you.. and next time, the only thing you will do is just have a look .. when I will mark only for you ;))
thx for comment and visit...
Romania is my "adopted" country, there is no other place that I would rather be. Te iubesc Romania! :)
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