sâmbătă, 12 septembrie 2009

Michael Kwan' eyes..

Given the digital age of PhotoShop and other photo manipulation software, this personal expression through the eyes has resulted in some rather outlandish and and bold pictures. Michael Kwan is a freelance writer, professional blogger, gadget geek, and video game enthusiast based out of Vancouver, Canada. (Royal tutorial) In some pictures, the artists have simply enhanced the color and contrast, resulting in a more intense look at an otherwise regular pair of eyes. In other pictures, the manipulation has gone much further, resulting in images that are definitely surreal and unlike anything that you would ever see in the real world. Pay attention to the details and note just how important the eyes can be in photography and digital imaging.


Anonim spunea...

it is goog if we can master with photoshop. I have tried several times but still can get it right.

Unknown on 13 septembrie 2009 la 05:11 spunea...

Photoshopping can totally be fun... I could only do simple tricks in it, good thing there are softwares with instant features that you can use..
Thanks for sharing.

Unknown on 13 septembrie 2009 la 16:49 spunea...


also I trie by myself..but.:))

Unknown on 13 septembrie 2009 la 16:50 spunea...


yes it can be..but for those who now this program perfect..:))

Ricardo Campos on 13 septembrie 2009 la 18:45 spunea...


Surreal photos, very interesting. Each eye is unique.

ALUISIO CAVALCANTE JR on 14 septembrie 2009 la 02:58 spunea...

Olá minha amiga.
Que a tua semana seja repleta de alegria e inspiração.
A vida está nos nossos sonhos.

Unknown on 14 septembrie 2009 la 09:56 spunea...

@Ricardo Campos

claramente que es interesante, especialmente para los que saben cómo trabajar con este programa..:((

smiles...gracias por el comentario y la visita, que desea un buen día

Unknown on 14 septembrie 2009 la 09:58 spunea...

@Aluisio Cavalcante jr.

Ola pare te .. te deseo una semana maravillosa comenzó lleno de sol y los logros personales.. sonrisa ...

Surge on 14 septembrie 2009 la 09:59 spunea...

Reallly pretty. Btw, I like your style in music BUTT the auto playing is killing me a little haha. IF you do want to change it so it doesn't automatically play and don't know how -- I can show you

Unknown on 16 septembrie 2009 la 01:33 spunea...


thx for yo're visit and comment..smiles, yo're "wish"..become truth..hihihi..I hope..check this out!..maybe you like more..
Yo're welcomed anytime..kisses..from Romania:)


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