marți, 4 august 2009

She is a nice "Wolf"..

Photobucket In vremurile "crizei" (care?) cea care isi unduieste cel mai bine solduletele pe scena, nu este alta mai "buna" decat Shakira, care vrea ca oamenii sa uite de necazuri, griji, "durere" . Sa uite tot macar pentru cel putin cateva momente ascultand noul sau album "foarte electronic" She Wolf - lansat in 30 iulie 2009. Sakira a inregistrat albumul in Bahamas ( promitand si un disc in limba spaniola) cu producatorii Wycleff si Pharrell incorporand bine de tot elemente din Columbia, India, orientul Mihlociu, stiluri africane si nu numai. Ea spune : "Am vrut un album care are de a face mai mult cu electronica..(...) Am vrut un album bassier cu sunete grele..(...) Am vrut sa construiesc pe o fundatie solida incepand de la tobe..(...)" Sinergia dintre ea si Pharrell isi spune las sa urmariti un interviu interesant unde ea va povesteste mai mult decat Suzana Gimenez pentru Telefe.. videoclipul..sounds interesting...awesome electronic..indeed..maybe too much (?)


Laszlo on 4 august 2009 la 07:44 spunea...

Nu stiai dyeve 'her hips don't lie' dar fara gluma Shakira are o voce minunata si in afara de hiturile arhicunoscute de publicul larg are niste concerte'unplugged'unde isi pune vocea in valoare,din pacate nu sunt foarte cunoscute.

Anonim spunea...

nice music, bodily movement really expressive

Unknown on 4 august 2009 la 20:50 spunea...


wow...multam de vizit..:)
Am crezut ca te-ai suparat pe mine si nu maivrei sa fii fanul meu.:((
Ai dreptate in legatura cu Shakira..are ceva special si aparte in timpru vocal, miscarea de scena si felul sau de a cate natii fac parte din "arborele ei..iti imaginezi ca are si de ce ..:)

see y'aa

PS- eu inca iti mai astept mailull promis cu povestirii a la ladislausasiancuties..:)
O seara super-super

Unknown on 4 august 2009 la 20:51 spunea...


yes, really it is..and a beautoful woman too..right?..besides the bodily movement..:))

victorysilcana on 5 august 2009 la 02:51 spunea...

Shakira este numarul 1 de fiecare dată când aceasta se lansează disco.Tiene foarte puternică şi încă format propria versuri şi de muzică.
Multumesc pentru partajarea acestor înregistrări video şi, de asemenea, în limba spaniolă. ¡¡Que suerte a avut!
Salutari din Spania

Unknown on 5 august 2009 la 09:00 spunea...


Yes, u have right. Shakira it is number 1. I like her verry much indeed.

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll
Born February 2, 1977 (age 32)

Shakira was born on 2 February 1977 in Barranquilla, Colombia. It is the only child of Nidya del Carmen Ripoll Torrado, who is ascending Italian and Spanish, and William Mebarak Chadid, who is an American born of Lebanese descent. She has 8 older half brothers from her father prior to marriage.
Statue of Shakira in Barranquilla, Colombia

Shakira means "grateful" in Arabic. This is the feminine form of the name Shakira. Her second name, Isabel, is also that of a paternal grandmother, meaning "my God is my oath", "God is my house" or "my God is abundance", and her name is even Spanish given a simple name for Elizabeth. Her second family name Ripoll is Catalan. She spent much of her youth in Barranquilla, a city located in northern Colombia. Shakira is noted for her keen intellect and is reported to have an IQ of 140.

Shakira wrote her first poem, entitled "La Rosa De Cristal" ( "The Crystal Rose") when she was only four years. As she was growing up, was fascinated watching her father's stories on a typewriter, and asked her as a gift for Christmas. She got her wish at age seven and continued writing poetry. These poems eventually evolved into songs. At the age of eight, after a half-brother in age was killed in a motorcycle accident, Shakira wrote her first song, entitled "TuS gafas oscuras" ( "Your dark glasses"). The inspiration came from her father, who years after the accident wore dark glasses to hide his pain [citation needed].

When Shakira was four, her father took her to a local restaurant in the Middle East, where Shakira first heard the doumbek, a traditional drum used in Arabic music and which typically accompanied belly dancing. Before we knew it, Shakira was dancing on the table as restaurant patrons responded by clapping enthusiastically. It was then that Shakira said she knew she wanted to be a performer. She enjoyed cantaret for schoolmates and teachers (and even the nuns) at a Catholic school, but in the second grade was rejected for the school chorus vibrato because it was too strong. Music teacher told her that he called "like a goat." At school, she says she was known as "belly dancer girl", she would demonstrate a number she learned every Friday at school."That's how I discovered my passion for live performance," she says.

Unknown on 5 august 2009 la 09:02 spunea...


When Shakira was four, her father took her to a local restaurant in the Middle East, where Shakira first heard the doumbek, a traditional drum used in Arabic music and which typically accompanied belly dancing. [15] Before we knew it, Shakira was dancing on the table as restaurant patrons responded by clapping enthusiastically. It was then that Shakira said she knew she wanted to be a performer. She enjoyed cantaret for schoolmates and teachers (and even the nuns) at a Catholic school, but in the second grade was rejected for the school chorus vibrato because it was too strong. Music teacher told her that he called "like a goat." [16] At school, she says she was known as "belly dancer girl", she would demonstrate a number she learned every Friday at school. [15] "That's how I discovered my passion for live performance," she says.

When she was eight, his father said Shakira bankruptcy. While they were sorted into details, she remained with relatives in Los Angeles. On his return to Barranquilla, she was shocked to find that much of what her parents have been sold in the property later, she said: "In my childish head, it was the end of the world." [11] To show that things could be worse, her father took her to a local park to see the orphans who lived there, sniffing glue. The images stayed with her and told me to "will one days to help these children, when I became a famous artist."

Aged between ten and thirteen Shakira was invited to various events in Barranquilla and gained some recognition in the area. It was about this time that she met local theater producer Monica Ariza, who was impressed by her and as a result tried to help his career. During a flight from Barranquilla to Bogotá, Ariza convinced Sony Colombia executive Ciro Vargas to hold an audition for Shakira in a hotel lobby. Vargas held Shakira in terms of big, returning to the Sony office, gave the cassette to a song and artist director. However, the director was not too excited and thought Shakira was something of a "lost cause". Vargas, not daunted, was convinced that Shakira had another talent, and set up an audition in Bogotá. He arranged for Sony Colombia executives to arrive at the audition, with the idea of surprising them with Shakira performance. She performed three songs for the executives and impressed them enough for it to be signed to record three albums.

Unknown on 6 august 2009 la 04:41 spunea...

@Julong..thx for visit and comment
each time Sakira apear its a great show.:)
Have a nice morning!


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